seo google consulting
The Search Engine Optimization industry has seen its fair share of negative press over the years, with some commentators claiming SEO is in “a sad state” or that SEO is just entirely “dead.” Despite these dramatic proclamations, we both know that obtaining first page search engine results is still a necessary goal — and there are still plenty of ways to accomplish this goal, even if your website is currently listed somewhere bordering on “virtual obscurity.”

A study conducted by Moz a couple years ago found that all SEO firms contacted were fully committed to using ethical, sustainable practices to help their clients achieve top results and that more than half of those surveyed seemed fairly competent in their knowledge. So you needn’t fear outsourcing some of these tasks to an SEO consultant or company.

For more than a decade, Mod Girl’s SEO consultants have helped businesses secure thousands of first page results. Unlike big firms that apply a one-size-fits-all strategy, we build customized packages with only the services you absolutely need for a highly personalized level of service.

Here are eight ways a Google SEO Consultant can help you rock your business presence online:

1. SEO Audit

Answers: How can our site improve ranking? What are we doing right? What are we doing wrong?

Our SEO audit service delivers a report that shows your top competitors and how your site’s main pages stack up to theirs. We let you know on-site and off-site factors affecting your search rankings and assess how easy it is for your key demographics to find your business online. All metrics are easily digestible and actionable to help you plan your next moves and prioritize a list of short and long term goals.

2. SEO Strategy Session

Answers: Where is your SEO budget best spent to get the maximum impact for the money?

Most companies have some money set aside for search marketing, but aren’t conducting the in-depth research necessary to know where they’ve been and where they should be heading. Our Google SEO consultants dig deep to discover what tactics deliver the most sales to your doorstep and what ailing strategies should be packed up on the shelf. We create a list of steps and a manageable SEO calendar to set a winning plan in motion.   

3. SEO Training

Answers: How do I accomplish certain tasks to optimize my presence in Google search results?

As Search Engine Watch states, there are many worthwhile free SEO training courses online. However, for the busy entrepreneur or marketer, there’s often not enough hours in the day to invest. Most people we talk to prefer a more one-on-one coaching type experience where they can have all their questions answered and learn at their own pace anyhow. We can help you learn the ins and outs of Google Analytics or other SEO software, run a checklist to assess website performance and set up monitoring tools, conduct smarter keyword research and set up PPC accounts, write better SEO content, adapt your SEO strategy to a new Google algorithm update, and so much more.

4. SEO Keyword Research & Analysis

Answers: What are people typing into Google to find businesses like mine? Which terms convert?

When your site contains the right keywords that correspond with your target market, the search engines will bring potential customers and ready-to-buy consumers to your website. Of course, many businesses are competing over some of the same keywords, so it takes a good deal of research to discover “the sweet spot.” We conduct a thorough analysis of your existing strategy to build upon what’s working, cut out what’s not, and identify opportunities for noticeable growth over the next six months.

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5. SEO Content Development

Answers: How do I write more compelling content that search engines will pick up and promote?

In the past, all it took to create “good content” was some keyword analysis and including these relevant search terms in your title, headlines, first sentence and last sentence. If you were really ahead of your time, you’d include the term in your image meta-tags and on dedicated internal site pages, too. After many Google algorithm updates, these old strategies aren’t working like they used to. There is still a place to season your writing with the occasional keyword here and there, but by and large, the best results come from researching excellent topics, filling out your posts with enough “meat and potatoes,” and strategically promoting your content across channels and through social bookmarking avenues. Our consultants will help your team create a better editorial calendar for the year’s content or we can unleash our team of copywriters and marketers on your project to deliver original, ready-to-roll content to you.

6. SEO Competitive Analysis & Industry Advice

Answers: Who are our main competitors and how do we compare?

Moz lists competitive analysis as “one of the most important activities for any SEO process.” Our analysis will help you understand what top search terms your competitors are ranking for that you’re missing out on, as well as areas where you’re far surpassing them. We’ll also uncover sources of traffic that you and your competitors have missed and outline strategies to harness new opportunities to gain more market share. Often, a few simple tweaks to your website and Google campaigns can go a long way. Our highly specialized SEO consultants also have relevant work experience in several key industries that we know inside and out to offer better advice than you’d get from the typical SEO company.

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7. SEO Technical Advice

Answers: What new tools and technologies will help people find your business online?

It can be challenging to keep up with all the new SEO tools at your disposal. There are many free tools out there, but also some paid tools you may be curious about. Are they worth the money? Will they save you time and effort or bring in that much more traffic? Furthermore, you may be needing advice on how to best approach topics like setting up 404 redirects, choosing the right hosting provider, what to do about error pages, or whether your code is clean enough. There are many back-end issues affecting your search visibility. A Google SEO consultant will help you navigate these murky channels and sail ahead toward better results.

8. SEO Implementation & Monitoring

Answers: How can we do everything that needs to be done and run a more efficient SEO machine?

At the end of the day, many of our SEO consulting clients realize they don’t have the time or manpower to do everything they want to do to remain competitive in Search. When this happens, we let them know about the many other services we provide from copywriting to PPC management to marketing automation. We’re willing to take just about any marketing task off your plate to help make life easier. And, because we’ve conducted in-depth research and analysis and taken the time to get to know your business, our strategic marketing partnership becomes even more invaluable, as we act as a seamless extension of your existing marketing department.

Want to learn more about Mod Girl’s Google SEO Consultants?

From on-page to off-page SEO, Mod Girl’s holistic SEO consulting services focuses on providing smarter content and improving user experience through technical SEO. We understand that Search Engine Optimization does not exist in a vacuum: it’s intertwined with social media and content strategies as well. Our expansive knowledge of all these realms helps us deliver a better suite of services, tailored to your unique demands and industry.

Contact us! We’d love to hear about your SEO service needs.