
As a small business owner, you wear many different hats. You have to oversee every facet of your business, which can get a bit overwhelming. Arguably, one of the most important aspects of your business is your website.

Your website is the face of your business and an effective tool for generating leads. It will help consumers discover your products and services, philosophy, and vision. A poorly designed website can result in a number of negative consequences, the most negative being a lack of business and sales. In fact, your website can actually make the difference between your customers converting and moving forward or seeking alternatives, like reaching out to your competition.

With your website carrying so much importance, the mere thought of building a new website or re-designing your existing one can be intimidating. In addition to design considerations there are content needs and technical aspects that need to be well thought-out. The following infographic will help you address these considerations so that you can create an effective, efficient website which will enable you to build your small business in the online marketplace.


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Are you leaving money on the table with your poor website design? Too many small businesses are failing to capitalize on the most profitable website design and marketing strategies. If you are a small business owner and are looking to create a more effective, efficient website that drives sales, discover what factors are preventing your website from reaching its profit potential and take our Mod Website Profits Quiz to help your site convert more visitors into sales today!

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